How-To Videos

Short, focused feature tutorials to help you accomplish specific tasks.

Create A New Project

Learn how to create a new project in the dashboard.

Rename A Project

Learn how to rename a project in the dashboard.

Delete A Project

Learn how to delete a project in the dashboard.

Layer Organization Overview

Learn why and how layers are organized in the editor.

Adding A New Layer

Learn how to add a new layer in the editor.

Rename A Layer

Learn how to rename a layer in the editor.

Updating A Layer Name

Learn how to update a layer name in the editor.

Delete A Layer

Learn how to delete a layer in the editor.

Show/Hide A Layer

Learn how to show and hide a layer in the editor.

Configure A Layer Border

Learn how to configure a layer border in the editor.

Setting A Layer Export File Format

Learn how to set a layer export file format in the editor.

Setting A Layer Tracing Strategy

Learn how to set a layer tracing strategy in the editor.

Locking A Layer

Learn how to lock and unlock a layer in the editor.

Locking The Map

Learn how to lock and unlock the map in the editor.

Moving Layers Up/Down

Learn how to move layers up and down in the editor.

Selecting/Deselecting All Features In A Layer

Learn how to select and deselect all features in a layer in the editor.

Deleting Multiple Features

Learn how to delete multiple features in the editor.

Editing Features Across Multiple Layers

Learn how to edit features across multiple layers in the editor.

Expand/Collapsing & Selecting/Deselecting All Layers

Learn how to expand and collapse layers and select and deselect all layers in the editor.

Toggle Fullscreen

Learn how to toggle fullscreen mode in the editor.

Aspect Ratio

Learn how to change Aspect Ratio in the editor.

Map Scale

Learn how to change the map scale to reveal more detail in the editor.


Learn how to rotate the map in the editor.

Satellite Overlay

Learn how to use the Satellite Overlay in the editor to help assist you in locating specific portions of the map.


Learn how to search for a specific location on the map.

Toggle Inspect Mode

Inspect layers on the map, hovering over them with your mouse to easily Identify what features they are. You can also click and edit over any of the hovered features.


Learn how to use our zoom feature to get closer or further away from the map.

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Send us an email us at to request a video on a specific topic.